Our Locations : Delhi | Kolkata | Odisha | Chandigarh

Jangpura Extension, New Delhi -110014 | info@sharmaandsharmalegal.com

Aman Kataruka

A law graduate from Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, School of Law, Bhubaneswar, Odisha,Aman is extensively dealing with the lower court matters related to Civil Law, Criminal Law, Family Law and also matters of Negotiable Instrument Acts, 1881.  

Over a short span of time, Aman has commendably picked up the firm’s practice and he has been effectively assisting in both the commercial matters and criminal matters of the firm.

Aman appears before various lower court such as Civil Court, Session Court, Special Courts, Consumer Forum etc. He is also appearing before the Hon’ble High Court at Calcutta in various matters including the areas of litigation of the firm.
